Some Good Clean Fun with Villa Job “Piantagrane”

A delicious recommendation from the Good Clean Fun crew in Downtown Los Angeles.

Villa Job “Piantagrane”, a skin-contact Pinot Grigio from Friuli, Italy. Have you ever seen a more gorgeous Pinot Gris? That color, due to the skin-on maceration is 😍. Flavors of stone fruit and tropical fruit, this bottle was so fun we had to take her home with us to party a little longer.

Thank you for the introduction, GCF, we love her! 🧡

From the winemaker:

Different soils give differente style of Pinot Grigio. This Pinot Grigio is a cuvee from different soils vinificated separately. The peculiarity of our soils (clay, loam and funds), the unique microclimate (river and forest) ensure complexity and unique structures. Only with long aging and the right microclimate can enhance the Pinot Grigio. Hydrocarbons start to appear by the first year of the bottle.

Classification: IGT Venezia Gulia
Vineyard: Pinot Grigio 100%

Soil: medium density. marl, clay, silt
Elevation: 90 mt above sea level
Orientation : nord-est
Density of plantation :4500
Farming system: Guyot, 40 q/ha
Average age of vines: 15 years

Vinification : Micro vinification for different soils. Fermentation in open barrel
Aging: Concrete vats, old barrique.
Alcohol : 13%
Total acidity: 5,2 mg/l
Sulfites: max 30 mg/l
Filtration: No (Just no. Absolutely not.)


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