This Wine Club is Doing THE MOST! NATURAL ACTION

In a 2015 Wine Enthusiast interview about Whiskey, Wine, & Artisan Craftspeople, Mr. Tony Bourdain mentioned how excited he was about some biodynamic and young, natural wines he had while he was in Paris. The mention of natural wines and his love for them continue to pop up in multiple interviews.  Therefore, I find it very fitting that he oversees our little natural wine fridge and is looking down, approvingly, at this most recent Natural Action Wine Club delivery.

Not only would Bourdain most likely approve of the wines themselves (all wines are made exclusively for the Natural Action Wine Club), he would also applaud Natural Action for their purpose; a non-profit organization & wine club (the first of its kind) “with proceeds going towards education, exposure, and career paths for BIPOC students in the wine industry.”

This recent delivery features wines from Vin de California, The Marigny, Troon Vineyard, and an inaugural solo blend by Marlen Sosa of Amplify Wine. (So excited for this one!) The winemakers who participate abide by a number of criteria:

  • Wineries create natural wine and practice sustainable farming methods (organic/biodynamic grapes, no harsh pesticides, minimal intervention method in their wine making)

  • Companies must foster diversity, inclusivity, and change within their company and the industry as a whole

  • Provide job opportunities or internships to the BIPOC community

  • Practice ethical treatment of farm workers

The Natural Action Wine Club not only showcases brilliant natural wine makers, but historical art created by African American artists on each of their labels. The label artwork is carefully curated for each delivery, comprised of pieces from the Kinsey Collection, a private collection of African American fine art, historical objects, & artifacts. (This collection will be on display in Malibu, CA for a few months starting January 2022!)

This wine club is a collaborative consisting of a bad ass group of winemakers & wine drinkers that shared the common vision of a more diverse wine industry, saw the opportunity, and decided to do something about it. Simonne Mitchelson (Senior South Coast Estate Manager or Jackson Family Wine), Justin Trabue (Hospitality Supervisor of Ancient Peaks Winery) , Cameron & Mar Porter (Founders and Winemakers of Amplify Wines), Eric Bach & Katie Workinger (Founder and Intern of Good Boy Wine), Teron Stevenson (Wine Director of the Friend Bar/Little Friend in Los Angeles) and co-founder of the Westside Winos, and fellow WW co-founder Khalil Kinsey (Principal and Director of the Kinsey Collection & Kinsey Foundation). 

Mr. Bourdain was always an advocate for diversity and opening yourself up to everything and everyone the world had to offer, no matter how different. And the best way to do that is breaking bread and having a drink. What the Natural Action crew is doing is TAKING ACTION…to diversity the wine industry, provide opportunities for BIPOC individuals to get their feet in the soil and, ultimately, adding our voices and palettes and energy to an industry that deserves it! Mr. Bourdain would approve.

This is our third delivery from the Natural Action Wine Club and every single wine we’ve had have been absolutely delicious. A lot of love and care goes into this club and it shows. From the wine to the purpose to the artwork to the beautifully designed labels and information cards that come in every delivery and recommended track to listen to while tasting each bottle. This wine club is wine with a purpose. Mindful sipping. Each bottle is delicious and enriching, not just in taste but you can guarantee your experience is contributing to something beautiful.

Currently, the Natural Action Wine Club is at capacity, but the crew is working hard to increase the number of memberships they can accommodate. Because the wines are made in smaller capacity and exclusive batches, growth in supply can be a little hard but that’s the goal!

To learn more about the Natural Action Wine Club, here’s an awesome article about them and their beginnings in the LA Times! Or you can learn more, donate to the cause, and join the wine club waitlist at


“It is a Natural Action to stand for humanity - to fight for equality - to push for progress. It is in this spirit that Natural Action Wine Club was born, and we look forward to the work ahead.”



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